“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”  (Psalm 119:11, NIV)

For the disciple of Jesus, walking the narrow path that leads to life (please see Matthew 7:13-14 for full scripture reference) is as natural as breathing; but it doesn’t begin that way.

It may take years for us to reach the place where we are naturally in stride with the will of God, and we will never arrive at that point without first subjecting our ambitions, habits, preferences, prejudices, and pastimes to the scrutiny God’s word — and modifying our actions accordingly.

To sin is to miss the mark.  There are some deficiencies in our living that are the result of ignorance, but these instances are few — and become fewer and fewer with each year of life!

Most of the shortcomings in our relationship with God are the result of willful disobedience.  We yield to our bad habits, craven ambitions, and prejudices because it is far more comfortable to continue living there than to change-up our lifestyle and come alive to God’s plan.

The key to staying in stride with our heavenly Father is to read His word; to heed His word; and to hide His word in your heart.  – Luther

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