“God saw that human evil was out of control.  People thought evil, imagined evil — evil, evil, evil from morning to night.  God was sorry that he had made the human race in the first place; it broke his heart.”  (Genesis 6:5-6, The Message) 

God had made humans in His own image and after His likeness.  The potential for immense good was resident within every creature, and it broke God’s heart to see divine inspiration squandered, and human potential corrupted.  Yet, it was this apparent disregard of goodness, justice, and mercy by the very people that God had created, that He regretted having created us.  Moreover, God was about to hit the “reset” button on the world that He had called “good” at the dawn of Creation.

Yet, even in the midnight of divine reckoning, God does not extinguish the flickering hope of reconciliation.  In the case of today’s scripture, God’s immutable righteousness required the “reset”; as His unfathomable mercy allowed a “restart” through the faithful obedience of Noah and his family members.

God continues to seek us — even in our rebellion.  God continues to loves us — even with a broken heart.  How can we resist such love?  – Luther

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I so enjoy and feel blessed to read your Daily Devotional. Thanks so much for sharing and doing such a great job.

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